Saturday, June 24, 2006

Streaker Makes Rugby More Interesting

streaker, originally uploaded by Tim Elkington.

Heidi Wardrop, 17, a Year 13 student at Nelson College for Girls, streaked on to the game between Nelson College and Shirley Boys' High School 20 minutes into the second half, before a crowd of hundreds on Tuesday.

Miss Wardrop said the streak was " completely spontaneous", resulting from a dare when the game became boring, the Nelson Mail reported.


Unknown said...

I took the above photo, could you please ask permission next time you use my photo's?
Tim Elkington

DeadBeatt said...

Sorry. I found this on flickr and the blog this option is active. You have to turn/uncheck that. Or others will like me think you meant to let others use your photos so long as they linked back to original.

Again sorry.