Wednesday, September 13, 2006

If You See A Name Like Lonelygirl15

And the first thought in your head is. This must be a 15 year old lonely girl. Then you might be an idiot. I love the idea of so many people getting so hot under the collar over what was so obvious that even my slow ass picked up on it.

Way too much dialogue. Way too smoothly delivered. And just look at the video. Did any of the people who are going off about this ever watch a TV show in say the last 4 and a half decades or so. Why couldn't they tell this was um can't say fake so I'll a production. The only people who should aghast by this are teenage girls who are being portrayed as rather dim bulbs.

And the people who not only got upset by this but backed tracked the email address, you should feel really stupid and bit slimy.

Update: MSN Story HERE. And ya know what I think that the Ask A Ninja guy ain't really a ninja. Get at 'em ya susper sloothers.

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