Sunday, September 09, 2007

Bikini Waxing Is Evil?

Apparently, feminism and Brazilians don't mix. Brazilian bikini waxes, I mean. With increasing frequency, self-professed feminists seem to be talking about bikini waxes as if they were the spawn of the devil. Many even go as far as calling it anti-feminist.
Yes, it's painful, so what. If we want to suffer to prevent unsightly sprouting from our bikini, that's our business. It's hardly a crime against humanity.

The oft-cited argument against bikini waxing, and hair removal in general, is that we're doing it for men, and that if we're doing it for men, that is very, very wrong. I, however, beg to differ. Men, using a rash generalisation here, are very unlikely to notice if you missed a hair when shaving your legs or have a centimetre more bikini line than is fashionable. Women, on the other hand, probably will.

Yep. If it was wearing hair on yer head. It would seen as just making yourself look a certain way because that was the style. Maybe They don't get it that the idea is to expose more skin.

1 comment:

Kia said...

less is more! getting a brazilian bikini is the best thing that happened next to the internet! lol