Saturday, September 22, 2007

I Can Stil Be Saved???

Originally uploaded by ckkenn
Ah broadcaster how I love you. If it ain't harassing idiots who think that women on cam is there to "show" for them. Its religious kooks hitting up the naughty listed cammers with spam.

We care for you too, my friend

DO YOU KNOW THAT GOD LOVES YOU SO MUCH? THE BIBLE SAYS: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) For God so loved the here means YOU. My friend you see God loves you(world) That He gave His only begotten Son. God the Father gave Jesus Christ to pay your sins by dying for you at Calvary's cross. Jesus shed His precious blood to cleanse you from all your sins. THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE AN EVERLASTING LIFE. What you must do now is just believe in Jesus Christ alone because He is God that became man who died for your sins. Now if you will truly REPENT your sins and ACCEPT Jesus Christ as your LORD GOD AND SAVIOR you will never go to hell but you will have everlasting life and be in heaven. You can also pray in this way: Lord God, I am a sinner please forgive me. I do believe that our Lord Jesus Christ died for my sins. I am now receiving Jesus in my heart as my Lord God and Savior. Thank you Father for saving me from hell. Now I am sure I will be with you in heaven too. In Jesus name, Amen My friend if you had truly Repented your sins and accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord God and Savior you are now a child of God and you will never be in hell but you will be with the Lord too in heaven. Please keep on searching the bible and do look for a church that truly teaches the bible as the WORD OF GOD. Should you have any questions or prayer request please let us know. Thank you and God bless you my friend! MY FRIEND HAVE YOU REPENTED YOUR SINS AND ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD GOD AND SAVIOR? Yours respectfully in Christ, Rogelio R. Dait San Isidro Street, Goa 4422Camarines Sur Philippines YOU CAN ALSO RESPONSE PLEASE @ e-mail address:

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