Jobs Offers $100 Credit to Early iPhone Buyers
Apple's face is red today. In an open letter on its Web site Thursday following customer outrage because the 8-GB iPhone's price dropped by $200 earlier this week, CEO Steve Jobs apologized and offered a $100 store credit to those who had purchased the iPhone at the higher price.
And the sheep says:
Early reaction on the Web to the $100 store credit is mixed, but appears generally favorable. For example, ZDNet's Adrian Kingsley-Hughes wrote that he was "not all that convinced that the people who are angry" at having paid top price for the iPhone "are the kind of people who spend money regularly with Apple."
This is not 200 bucks heck it ain't even 100 bucks. It's a lame store credit. This is like a buy a iPhone and a $100 gift card. How they work on making it do what other phones can do and call me when its $200. Then I will wait until it is available for 2 for one.
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