Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Veoh Video Network Acckkk!

despite what you may have heard VeohTV works great. The only problems are that they seem to want to phase out the website as the place to view videos. But they don't offer much of the functions on the site. So you can't videos. None of the icons have any mouse over info pop ups.

But if you use the VeohTV player you can watch videos longer than 45 minutes. On the site you will be limited to 5 minutes and have to download the video.

Funny thing is I was still using 3.2.x.x. I didn't get one of those upgrade notices. And for you to find the download link. Look up at where your name is at the top of the page. Click on the support link. Then look back at the same spot. Left of the support link will be the download link.

Veoh is one clunky junky jumble.

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