Friday, February 08, 2008

Oh The Fun Of It

Now is one of hem times you get to see which of your friends is the creepiest. Ya know the ones that will go too far in support of this asshole and that will go too far in being offended buy him.

Of the many faces of MSNBC and in particular David Shuster a really bad one popped out. He said while taking over as host for Tucker what's his name. He said "But doesn't it seem like Chelsea's sort of being pimped out in some weird sort of way?"

Evey now and then they get all, the dumb dudes in the locker room, and say crap they feel is colorful and funny. That ain't and they should apologize for on the spot for saying.

Well now the fun begins as the old boys or jackasses will be very upset about this thing they fill is a minor indiscretion. Will do more and more of their not at subtle female running for president bashing.

To make you even angrier let remember and for the kids. Chelsea was a little kid when Bill Clinton became president and the media and the comedians were all over her with insults. But the Bush twins bad behavior, something to actually talk about, the comedians covered that. The reports all backed off. How nice of them.

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