Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Aggregated For For Your Must Readness

Ferraro: Give it to the Woman, Not to the Black Guy.

"Ferraro is reprising the same tactic, but with a twist. She's fusing the politics of gender bias with "a resentment of racial integration that glides imperceptibly past many people but like a dog whistle delivers its message on a frequency that many older white voters hear acutely. It's not legitimate for Barack Obama to question or challenge Hillary Clinton, implies Ferraro, not only because Hillary is a woman and women take too much crap from men, but also—and this is crucial—because Barack Obama is a Black guy, and the elites in their nice homes with their fancy degrees are once again taking something away from "us" that we worked hard to earn and they're giving it away on a silver platter to some young Black guy.

Ferraro is playing a feminist George Wallace. Wallace appealed to insecure whites who felt that their struggles and hard work entitled them to live in all white neighborhoods, and elitist judges shouldn't be able to force them to accept black neighbors and integrated schools. Ferraro is trying to appeal to insecure white women who believe they've put in their time and now they're entitled to get their woman president, and nobody should be allowed to take away their presidency and give it to the Black guy who hasn't earned it.
We Democrats--with the evident exception of Geraldine Ferraro and possibly some members of the Clinton braintrust--are better than this. We have evolved to the point where a woman and an African American are competing for our Presidential nomination. I'm happy to be supporting the candidate who is likely to stave off a tough challenge from a formidable rival and become our Presidential nominee. Geraldine Ferraro is angry because she believes the woman she supports is entitled to the nomination but her Black rival is not."

I don't see how waking the white hooded giant is going to help do anything but wreck the party. There is no way in hell if Clinton wins the nomination people would vote for her on this side much. And why would people on that side vote for her when they can just vote a McCain in?

The biggest factor in elections that nobody brings up is voter apathy. Don't have anyone that you can believe in, then why bother? This is where the green man shows is smarts by not jumping into the dirt at every cross word and attacking. It makes boring politics for the media who are in ratings wars with each other but, gives people a reason to still hope for a better future.

The economy, tax cuts that make state and local taxes go higher and higher, and Iraq. Winning at race baiting ain't going to fix any of that.

Yes he has to address these things but, as for what they are. Not as a comeback line. Plus while he takes the highroad. His supporters are the ones who should be, without being nasty, addressing this. somebody should be making a monster joke right now.

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