Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Oh Yeah

A while back I made a snarky comment about MSN Search offering money back on things you bought, that you used it to find.

I said did that. Well they used to do that. It seems iwon has given it all up for the games. Lots and lots of games. Free to pay 'cause you'll be seeing a lot of advertising. And there doesn't seem to be that many people there anymore.

For you kids ( get off my lawn )! This site goes back to the dot com boom days. they used to advertise on TV that would have a big winner drawing at the end the year. Never seen that happen myself. But the games were a really good time waster. And they still are. The wacky, rock, alien, and wild west slots. And Save the Sea Tetris are my favorites. Might win something more than more coins to play with someday, Ha. I am sennin_carl Look me up. No if it was spam scheme I would want your email address. 100 coins per.

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