Wednesday, March 21, 2007

People Are Still Having Casual Sex

Casual sex?
Originally uploaded by MauritsV.
'Unhooked' connects with debate on casual sex

Stepp's controversial new book on the "hookup culture" of casual sex among young people _ not to be confused with the 40-something version of meeting for lunch or a movie _ has attracted its share of criticism. Some, like McDonnell, say it overstates the emotional damage done to young, ambitious college women who decide they want sex but are too busy and achievement-oriented for committed relationships.

On the other hand, there is Tasha Studeny, 22, a former nursing student, who said the book is right on target. She went through her own phase of hooking up once she graduated from high school.

"You do it because you're lonely, because it makes you feel good, and because it's easy to do, if you're not looking for long-term relationships," she said. "But I found myself always feeling 100 percent worse about myself afterward. After about six months, I made a conscious decision to stop."

Such mixed reviews don't faze Stepp, 55, who said she has received a handful of negative responses but also more than 100 e-mails from young people _ and their parents _ who, she said, "said, 'Thank God someone finally said this.'

Ever since I was old enuff to be out without letting anyone know my plans. I have been having casual sex. I think more people need to get familiar with the concept of sex among friends. Different name, hanging and bang or whatever. But nothing new. Its just funny how people refuse to believe things have been discussed before.

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